Thursday, December 1, 2011

Coopers the Big Australian

Hi all, it's been a while.

I was happy to open the Sydney Morning Herald today, and see the following full-pager:

True brew.

As an Australian company,
we're responsible for more than brewing beer.

Sure, we're not the biggest player in the beer game
but now, surprisingly, we find ourselves the largest
Australian-owned national brewer.

This is not something we should celebrate.
On the contrary.
We understand how our colleagues may feel because
it was only a few years ago that we to were at risk
of being taken over by an overseas company.

Only our commitment to staying true blue and the
strength of our family ensured we remained
a family-owned, Australian brewery.

That's how we started in 1862 and after
nearly 150 years of quenching thirsts
of fellow Aussies, that's how we intend to stay.

Dr Tim Cooper AM           Mr Glenn Cooper AM

At the time SABMiller made its successful bid for Fosters, I did think it was a potent marketing opportunity for Coopers. What pleases me here is their restraint and dignity. The reference to "their colleagues" is a consideration to those who have no say in these boardroom decisions: the brewers, drivers, sales reps, marketers, storemen, admin staff etc. Those who run the brewery....

But.... it is a full, page 7 advertisement. Coopers still want us to know they are now the top Aussie dogs; let's see them leverage this to the betterment of the local industry and products. I paraphrase this as "stop reacting to Gen Y's demand for dry, low carb beers.... brew a saison, an IPA, a barley wine, a decent pilsener".

Good on 'em. Now get on with it.
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