Saturday, January 1, 2011

Beer Review: Trappistes Rochefort 10

Guide to review scoring is on the post Beeradvocate Ratings Systems
Unless otherwise specified, these reviews are my own.
Trappistes Rochefort 10
Quadrupel 11.30%
A+ / 4.7 look: 4 smell: 5 taste: 5 feel: 4.5 drink: 4.5

Pours a thick, dense dark brown cloud.... some hints at the edge of burgundy. Thick tan head.

Beer and Breweries in Belgium: Stella Artois, Leffe, Kriek, Beer in Belgium, Lambic, Wheat Beer, Trappist Beer, Westvleteren BreweryNose of a candy store. Fruit lollies, sherbet, caramels.... Some washed-rind notes, and maybe a touch of clove...

This is literally a converation-stopper...the flavour is a complexity of malts & spices.... really hard to dissemble into its components. Perhaps some dried fruits.... dates, peel, raisins, nuts.... hint of chocolate, and the ubiquitous Belgian yeasty wildness. Quite a hot note, due to the alcohol, but not terribly cloying... a relatively dry finish... like an amontillado sherry..

And after a period, the hops come through as a late reminder, along with some lingering fruitcake.

Serving type: bottle

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you. The taste of Trappistes Rochefort 10 is something like spicy and crunch. But used heavily in parties.

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