Wednesday, May 19, 2010

No more Unibroue in Australia, but don't despair

I was very much taken with the ad in Beer & Brewer for a new range of beers available in Australia.

Quebec brewery Brasserie Dieu du Ciel! is taking up where Unibroue has dropped off - exporting Belgian-(and other)-inspired Quebec beer to Australia.

What drew my attention were the labels. Beautiful artworks from a local Montreal artist, each linked to the beer name and in some cases the style. Upon further investigation, it turns out that Dieu du Ciel has a brasserie (which has over the course of 10+ years pushed out more than 100 different beers) and a microbrewery (which brews and bottles 12 of the more popular beers from the brasserie).

Yesterday I stepped into Leura cellars, which apart from an outstanding wine cellar, has one of the better beer selections in NSW. Three Dieu du Ciel beers were available: Corne du diable IPA, Péché Mortel imperial coffee stout, and Dernière Volonté blond Abbey-style ale.

All three beers are excellent. The IPA blew me away, and is probably my beer of 2010 to date.

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